Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A bunch of nothing

It seems as though we have been super busy lately although I am not exactly sure what that has been. A glance through the camera doesn't reveal too much either but here a few pictures that I thought were worth sharing.

Although everyone was still under the weather we made our scheduled trip to Wellfleet specifically the Beachcomber. We didn't make it long but now I can finally say we have been.

Although I didn't have my camera with me we recently attended a craft day in Cotuit center. It was fun for the kids, until that clown popped a balloon and freaked Michelle out. We did purchase books from the library book sale and Michelle has been reading them since, she has even deciding reading to her brother is fun.

We can't forget a quick post about 4th of July. We had a fun day starting with breakfast at WYLC, a parade and then a cookout at Mimi and Grampys. Charlie was a walking fool and had a great time with his cousins.

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