Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My poor baby!!

Michelle had to have some blood drawn today and it was not pretty. She had gone last week and the techs at the lab were not able to complete the procedure so they sent us to the hospital. Mike got to hold her this time so I could sit in the waiting room to cry myself. They jabbed her 3 times but were not able to draw any blood. The poor kid was screaming her head off and by the end of it all we are not sure who was more frustrated Michelle or Mike. :-)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Time Flies!

Can you believe Charlie is already one month old? My goodness the time flies, even with sleep deprivation setting in things here are going well. Charlie has yet to sleep in his bassinet but he did manage to sleep in his carseat last night for about 1.5 hours giving his mom a needed rest. He hasn't left my side for more than 20 minutes at a time prior to this. Maybe formula is a good thing!

Today was Michelle's first experience at Gymport. She crawled around super fast trying to catch rolling balls and children. She particularly loved the ball pit and just kept saying "ball" (in her own accent of course). There was also a blowup jumpy jump (drawing a blank on its real name) that was a dog so she was cracking her music and playgroup teachers up by continuously pointing to it saying "woof woof". She is really taking things in now. She tries to say everything we do, her Dad best watch out. This morning she saw Charlie get his bottle and then moments later was trying to force her doll's bottle in his mouth. Silly girl. She has learned that a cow says "moo" and she thinks the cable box is called "no". Other new words to come......

Sunday, March 11, 2007

2 Weeks Under Our Belt

I can't believe Charlie is already 16 days old! He is doing wonderfully. He is still sleeping on me at night but this time is so short lived I'm really enjoying it. He had his 2 week appt last Friday, on his original due date, and he is doing great. He weighed 9lbs 4 oz (75%) and was 21.25 cm in length (90%). Needless to say he is a big boy.

Michelle is adjusting just fine to her little brother. She is so great about entertaining herself with her books which is extremely helpful. She has learned to sign and say "more". She also says "doll" and tries to burp it like I do Charlie. It is actually quite funny.

Monday, March 5, 2007

"Charlie" Michael Has Arrived!!!

As you have probably heard, on Friday, February 23 our family was blessed with a new member, Charles Michael. "Charlie" arrived into the world at 23:49 weighing in at 9lbs. (Thank goodness he was a big baby b/c I feel better about the size I was!!!) We are adjusting to life at home and even managed to get to Michelle's music class today! More to come....