Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our new pool

Mike decided the kids had outgrown their kiddie pool and decided to by the kids a bigger one. (I'm hoping next year he thinks they have outgrown this one and decides they need an inground one)

As soon as I went in to get Charlie this morning he was "swimming" with his arms saying.."we get to go in our new pool now." It was really quite funny. How could I turn him down? I'm sure the neighbors loved hearing the delighted screams from a 2 year old at 7am.

A new pool!!!

The pool was being filled but Charlie could not wait. (This was actually last night)

Michelle loves the pool too although I guess I didn't take any pictures when it was actually filled of them swimming.

And what can be better than ice cream after a swim in the pool on a summer night....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Charlie's Tribute to Michael Jackson

I have been working a lot lately and thus needing to wear my wrist splints. Charlie has been trying to wear them too so I have taken to hiding them when they are not in use by their proper owner, me. However Charlie found a black glove in the basement the other day while "helping" Mike and he has not taken in off since.

Michelle and Zoe wanted to get in on the picture action..