Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note from Florida. We are having a great time. The first day was a little rough with my favorite son but he seems to have melllowed out.

Here are some pictures from our dinner out. The kids did amazing!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking up to Dad

I don't know if I have mentioned that Charlie has a new "thing". He must take his pajamas off shortly after waking up and put on some shoes. Perhaps this is because on most of them the legs are too long and he trips over himself, nah....

Anyway, I could not resist this photo this morning. Mike was running out the door so I had to be fast. I did not intentionally cut his head out.

This was last week:

Michelle has been really into helping me do things lately. She was very excited to help me prepare dinner the other night.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Nani!

After a quick stop at Nani's house this morning we returned home on this lovely rainy day. No knowing how I would get through the day in the house with the kids I decided to bring up a tunnel I purchased at the library children's fair. Not only did they have blast rolling around in it and on top of it but Zoe got in the action too. All is good until you get a claw to the toe.....

Turns out to be a great place for a rest too!

And the winner is.....

EDIT: Several hours later we are still completely entertained by the tunnel, unfortunately the dog loves it more than the kids and we have to keep kicking her out of it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Teletubbies

We had such an great time last night. It seems Mike's Tinky Winky costume was the hit of the neighborhood. He was even asked by a woman to come into her house party to show her friends, lol. We even one the first place ribbons at our party, thanks Jenn and Chris we had a blast. It was so much fun to see Michelle get so excited. As Mike said each house for her was like Christmas morning. She would run up to the door yelling "trick or treat, thank you" but get to the door and freeze, it was hysterical. Though perhaps the funniest part was seeing her little La-La bottom running up to the door and hearing her yelling trick or treat. Mike really, really enjoyed himself. It was great.


Charlie was so cute too. He had fun and even got the concept more than I thought he would. He started the night in the wagon but quickly decided that he wanted to walk but didn't think he needed to hold anyones hand. He is fast too, thankfully we had cousin Nick with us to shoot into the road after him!!! As you can see by the below pictures Charlie really, really enjoyed the chocolate.