Thursday, January 31, 2008

We did it, we did it

Okay so I should have attempted this before everyone got filthy for the day but still, we've succesfully taken a picture of Michelle and Charlie and they both look reasonably happy!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Word War

We are having a blast with our little parrot Michelle and thus we've started a word war through her. I taught her to respond to "where do you wan to go" with "magic kingdom", but now Mike is trying to get her to stay "Naples" instead. Her Mimi got her a book about apples and since Naples is so close to apples she will often say the two together, it is really funny. Do you suppose she wants to go apple picking in Naples?

We have also taught her that her daddy is a policeman and that policemen say "stop" with their hand out. I'll have to get a video of that.

And now for the embarassing statements...

Yesterday there was a segment on the news about McDonalds and Michelle started repeating over and over "mommy's coke, mommy's coke", it was amusing but definitely embarassing that I'm there that much.

Then when Mike was getting into his truck for work after a morning of sledding and Michelle wanting more, she went over the the kitchen window and knocked yelling "Mike" (yes, I've done this to get his attention before) Then when he didn't respond she knocked harder and yelled "Michael", LOL.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day Continued

Mike came home and built a "snow slide" for Michelle. They had so much fun going down it.

Charlie had to sit on the sidelines, and when he tried to join the fun he toppled over, LOL.


My nephew has named Charlie the newest Teletubby "Stuffy" since he eats so much of anything and everything. These pictures of him getting ready to out in the snow make me think his new nickname is perfect.

Michelle also loved the snow. Even falling..

Thursday, January 24, 2008

On the Mend!!

We seem to have finally gotten over this virus!!! Although Michelle is still super sleepy her demeanor while awake is back to baseline, thank goodness. She really enjoyed her dinner tonight. Just thought we could all use a Michelle smile today.

And of course no day would be complete without Charlie!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Michelle's First Hospital Stay, :-(

My poor baby was admitted to the hospital yesterday for dehydration from this awful virus she has acquired. At this point we are still waiting and hoping for her take some fluids so we can head home today but she is snoring away so I'm not sure that will happen before the doctor calls to check on her.

She did wake up more alert today and wanted to read her books so we are hopeful.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fever, Fever Go Away!!

Poor Michelle has been sick with a fairly high temperature for several days now. She can't even walk straight, poor kid. But being the mother of the year that I am, I had to take pictures of her in her misery, she still enjoys reading. The bags under her eyes are worse today as we've added another night of no sleep to them but we won't bother her any more for photo ops.

Since Michelle won't let me put her down for long, and since when I try to pick Charlie up she screams "Charlie on the floor" he has been getting into his own trouble. Like Michelle did at one time, he finds dog food and dog food dishes interesting toys.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Great Work Mimi!

The Zebra Charlie got for Christmas from Mimi and Grampy is a HUGE hit around here. We had to move it into the kitchen while we cleaned the rugs today and of course the kids couldn't stay away from it even in there. Good work Mimi and Grampy!!!

P.S. Michelle doesn't usually walk around the house with her coat on, we were outside enjoying this beautiful day in the middle of January.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Charlie's 8th Tooth

In an effort to give his sister the 2nd birthday attention she deserved, Charlie waited until this morning to have his 8th tooth pop through. What a nice, considerate boy, don't you think?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Michelle!!!

Can you believe Michelle is already 2 years old? Time truly does fly. I don't think we truly learned the concept of "time flying" until being blessed with two wonderful children. It seems like just yesterday we were planning our wedding, taking trips for the fun of it, or bringing animals into our lives every few months and now we have a two year old and an almost one year old. Makes me cry, yes Mike makes fun of me for that.

Suprisingly, Michelle did want to open her presents this morning....

Charlie thought he would help.

We decided to take Michelle to the local Children's Museum in celebration of her big day. She is not into any attention on her these days so we opted out of the traditional party. Below are some pictures of our fun adventures.

We think Charlie loved it just as much as Michelle.

We finished the birthday outing with some ice cream!!!