Michelle has been amusing us so much lately with her thoughts and subsequent speech. The other day she got her finger stuck in the refrigerator door and I was forced to pull it out causing a big old scrap and some swelling. Well, the following night we were are dinner with the Gangells and Mike told the story of how I "broke" Michelle's finger. She immediately looked down at her finger and started crying as if the story had made it start to hurt again. A short while later as the conversation had moved on and the boys were up at the salad bar, she looked down again at her finger, her lip began to quiver and then she burst out crying "it's broken." It was one of the funniest moments of her life so far!!!
Then last night while being watched by her Mimi, Grampy and awesome Godfather Tommy, she woke up due to Charlie's crying. When it was time to put her back to bed she told everyone "no, I'm fine." She is a fool, ha ha.