Monday, March 23, 2009

What we have been up to...

In case anyone is wondering what the Kramers have been up to, Michelle has been perfecting her golf game (Watch out Mimi, Grampy and Grampa)

Charlie has been learning to drive with his new set of keys and how to polish his Dad's boots.

And finally Michelle went into her big, big girl bed!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Please don't let Charlie's smile fool you, he has been miserable lately!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Michelle's First Haircut!!!

We finally got Michelle's haircut today. She did amazing. She walked into the salon and said "I'm here to get my hair cut." It was hysterical. I really thought we were going to be in for it but she did great!! These were before we left, you can see how long it was.

I told the woman just to even the back out but apparently to her that meant take off a few inches. It is much, much shorter than I wanted or expected but what are you going to do right?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walking in the Woods

Although it wasn't as warm as we had thought we took a nice family walk in the woods the other day. Michelle thinks walking with the dogs is one of the greatest things in the world (if only she would feel the same way about swimming but we'll save that story for another day). She kept grabbing Charlie's hand and telling him stories. It was adorable. I'm definitely LOVING this age for both of them.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

St. Paddy's Day Parade

As luck would have it I forgot my camera. I tried to take some videos on my cell but as you can hear the quality is not great. The kids had so much fun dancing and clapping away. It was beautiful out which always makes a parade even better.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sledding = Sleep

I only took one picture sledding this morning but I guess it was fun......

We enjoyed sledding down the front yard for a bit and playing in the back yard but Charlie wanted to play in his police car and Michelle was most amused by her staircase slide. And