I love our new yard. It is so easy to head out back with the kids. It does get A LOT of sun so I have to create some shade for outdoor painting and fun.
The dogs have established their spot in the shade on the side of the house.
We have finally made it into our new house and are managing to get settled. Pictures of the house to come, I have yet to uncover my camera but realized there were some pictures of last week I did not post.
Michelle is taking tennis lessons this summer. Basically they run around the court but she has fun.
I helped organize a fundraiser for the music class the kids attend this week too. There was facepainting, rice to play with and a bake sale. As you can see Charlie particularly liked his bake sale item.
We were also fortunate to have Nicholas for help during moving week. Charlie thought he was hysterical for getting into a trash can filled with water.
We tried to go to the beach this morning and when both kids were clingy and starting to feel warm I knew it was time to head home. Guess my mommy insticts were correct since Michelle didn't even make it home before getting sick, my poor baby. Charlie is just as sick but he has an iron stomach. And since you know Charlie you know he doesn't sit still very long let along fall asleep wherever he lands.......
We took the opportunity to enjoy the break from rain to go to Zooquarium yesterday. There was still quite a bit of mud but of course the kids didn't care. Michelle went on her first pony ride! She was not sure about it at first but her friend Grace went on and that apparently made it a fun thing to do. She loved it and I LOVE this first picture.
Charlie didn't like the pony ride but he tolerated one loop. He just kept saying, "I don't like the pony ride, I don't like it." I chose not to torture him for too long.
Charlie, Nick and Grace thought making silly noises at the animals to make them "talk" was fun, obviously Michelle wasn't such a fan.
We even managed to get to the playground this week too! Can you believe the rain stopped long enough for us?