Monday, October 15, 2007

Another Day Another Tooth

We were wondering why Mr. Charlie-Pants was SO fussy the past couple of days, in addition to his first cold which of course he got after going to the pediatrician for a "well visit" I found his third tooth on Saturday! It is his upper left "fang", I think, only time will tell as it comes down further. He is becoming cuter every day. He loves to laugh and smile when someone is speaking to him, he just always wants someone talking to him, :-)

Well, of course someone interupted me and I was never able to finish this post last week. Charlie's teeth have continued to show their heads, he now appears to be getting a third bottom tooth along with the 2-3 that are pushing through the top as well. He has even started to do the "army crawl" and is very close the more traditional crawling!

I have also learned that it is next to impossible to get a toddler to stay still for a picture let alone smile, that is unless you let them paint in their highchair.

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