Friday, March 21, 2008

New Phone

I finally got a new phone and have been trying to figure it out. Although I'm not quite certain how most of the features work I found the perfect opportunity to use the camera on it when Michelle finally found the courage to get on the school bus at the mall. She enjoyed the bus when it was not moving but wanted off the moment it started. I put Charlie on and she was okay but still not thrilled guess I have a ways to go until Disney....

Michelle and I attempted to color eggs for Easter. Although it was a project that consisted primarily of her putting stickers on the eggs and then taking them off, we had fun. Charlie was easily amused with his Easter card from Nani and Grampa and his dollar bill while we did crafts.

EDIT: Charlie has a 9th tooth!!!!!! We've been wondering why he has been sleeping so much lately (6:30pm-9:00am) and being generally fussy but I guess we know why!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

The kids look great...what luck to have such a good sleeper...