Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Barnstable County Fair

Have I mentioned how in love with my family I am? Yesterday we took the kids to the fair and had a great day with Mimi and Grampy. Michelle very quickly learned if I said "no" to something she should go directly to the big guns, Grampy. It was actually really funny to witness.

We were there no more than 3 minutes before they got some ice cream.

Michelle picked the ferris wheel as her first ride, little did she or Mike know they would be going round and round forever. We think the operator forgot they were on it, LOL

I was pretty nervous letting the kids go on a ride that went in the air by themselves, for some reason I had visions of a fight erupting midair but they did great!!

The boys even tried their hands at some games.

Charlie rode a motorcycle carousal and was hysterical. The ride went up and down and he concentrated so hard, I think he realy thought he was driving.

We then decked the kids out in K9 Relief Fund gear and tried to get a picture but they were all slap happy this was all we got, ha ha.

What a great, albeit very muggy, day

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