Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Charlie!!!

Despite being diagnosed with Strep yesterday Charlie managed to rally for his birthday. He woke up really early, though he was not nearly as impressed as Michelle with the birthday balloons in his room. He waited so patiently for Michelle and Daddy to wake up to open presents. I was disappointed when at first he did not want to dance to Captain Zoom with me, it is too early for him to be too cool for Captain Zoom, he thankfully came around. When the rest of the family woke he was very excited to open gifts.
Though I think Michelle was equally excited to give him the gift she picked out.
Mimi and Grampy sent some legos in the mail to go with his Megazord, we love the police officer and his K9 companion!
Though he was excited to receive the LeapPad...
..the Ben 10 watch and costume were his favorite.
After playing for a bit he went to the LeapPad and I found them like this, too cute!
Nani and Grampa came over for dinner and presents and though thoroughly exhausted Charlie managed to hang in there for presents and cake.
Guess what they brought him?
Michelle came home from an afternoon playdate, WIRED!!!!
Charlie even lucked out having 2 cakes because I forget he has been asking for an Oreo ice cream cake for months now (of course he reminded me) and Mike and Michelle had made him one this morning.

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