Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Charlie looses two teeth

I have not even had time to post about Charlie losing his first tooth and he has already lost another one!!! Last week while out celebrating Nicky-Nicks birthday.....
.... Charlie discovered a loose tooth.
The next morning he pulled it out before he came downstairs!
He rocked it out all morning!
He got a new pillow for the tooth fairy.
The tooth fairy as more than generous!!
Tonight Mike was doing some face painting (to cover up a horrible job I had done) and he asked if I knew Charlie's other tooth fell out. I had no idea and neither did Charlie!!! He did say he got hit when wrestling with his friend Joey but he didn't notice it gone and neither did I.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'd like to hire Mike to face paint at our next birthday party! He did a great job! lol