Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fever, Fever Go Away!!

Poor Michelle has been sick with a fairly high temperature for several days now. She can't even walk straight, poor kid. But being the mother of the year that I am, I had to take pictures of her in her misery, she still enjoys reading. The bags under her eyes are worse today as we've added another night of no sleep to them but we won't bother her any more for photo ops.

Since Michelle won't let me put her down for long, and since when I try to pick Charlie up she screams "Charlie on the floor" he has been getting into his own trouble. Like Michelle did at one time, he finds dog food and dog food dishes interesting toys.

1 comment:

Heather said...

We just had that here last week, Taylor had a bad fever for 3 days...yuck-a-roo. Hope she gets well soon.