Monday, June 9, 2008

It's official....summer is here

We have kicked off the summer with our first visit to WLYC. The club doesn't officially open until this weekend but it was nice to have some quiet time, well as quiet as it can be with a 1 and 2 year old on the beach. I forgot my camera but did use my phone for some photos.


Jenn said...

Your phone takes great pictures! Can't wait for tomorrow. Good idea to bring a camera. PS - I love Charlie's budda belly!!!!

Anonymous said...

They are just adorable! You are going to have a FUN summer with those two!

Jennyeve said...

You are so active with your kids Tracy. Good for you mommy!
Michelle is so cute, just seems to get cuter every day. But that Charlie sure have a personality to him. That faces he makes are great!