Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Santa came! The kids were super excited, particularly Charlie who got up at 2:45am and was found playing under the tree. In his defense he hadn't opened anything but was playing with the gifts he had recieved on Christmas Eve, see below they are certainly a favorite toy around here. I am wondering how long until we have to make a trip to the ER, LOL.

While we waited for Daddy to get the dogs all settled we opened stockings and tried out our new sled.

We opened presents...

...including what we REALLY wanted from Santa,

BUT, we ultimately went back to the gifts from our aunts who knew exactly what to get us!!!

Charlie even had to pack his lunch box!!!

Then Nani and Grampa came over. Charlie was thrilled with his Hess truck! Michelle went missing but I found her in her room with her new Tag Reader and the "reading" pillow from Nani.

Then Mimi, Grampy, Tori, Aunt Sue and Jaimie came over. Michelle got the present she has been waiting a Lanie Doll!!! She was so happy and had to go change into a matching outfit.

What a great day!!

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