Monday, January 12, 2009

A post about Charlie...

I feel as though I have been writing a lot about Michelle these days and I don't want my Charlie Bear to feel left out. He is however still up to his old ways starting with putting shoes on when he gets up in the morning over his PJs.

He also loves to torture his sister by taking her things, including the very popular rain hat these days.

I took the dogs for a run on the beach today and Charlie had a fit because he wanted to go play at the beach. (They were in the car overlooking the water, no worries we were all together at Loop Beach) Oh my, he cried the entire way home so I put on his snow gear and let him play in the back yard. He loves it! Please disregard the nose, I can only keep up so much.

1 comment:

Jennyeve said...

At least if the boy is going to sport some shoes with his PJ's they are nice dapper shoes. : )
Daniel and Sammy both have those same PJ's too.